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Where do I even begin. This year was probably one of my favourites and it makes it nearly impossible to sum up. A year marked by growth and celebration, spent basking in the Lord’s glory through fellowshipping with his beautiful creation all around the world. My squad mates that started as 50 strangers meeting in Georgia so quickly became family and will forever be some of my favourite people. Men and women of intentionality, holiness, and pursuer’s of the Father’s heart. We got to see the global church alive and invite people to the table of the Lord.

To be honest, I am still processing all that happened this past year and what God has shown me. But here’s a little recap of each place that I got to call home this year!!


My first new home. A place full of memories of tenting, worshiping, eating cucumbers and honey for lunch, washing dishes with the squad, and building friendships with people that soon would become family. Georgia was a sweet season of life preparing as much as we could for what the next months would hold. A time where the Lord reminded me of the true gospel and the freedom found in him. A good mix of craziness and intentionality.


Life giving. Two words so simply encapsulate my time in this beautiful country. Days were spent teaching the fruit of the spirit in English, attempting to coach soccer, and building stoves and bunkbeds. I got to be involved with street evangelism for the first time and it came with its worries but I saw the Lord’s kindness in the people I encountered and situations I found myself in. Adventure days were always memorable. They always started with a full chicken bus ride and could end walking around a chaotic market in Antigua or simply getting coffee  in Parramos. One adventure day was spent hiking a volcano and definitely makes top 3 days on the race. Guatemala is a country that just so quickly feels like home to all.


A season of growth and being taught by the Lord what it means to slow down and honestly look at the value I put in tasks. The first time living away from the whole squad and navigating a Christmas season away from home. Our nights were filled with English club, where we had topics ranging from joy to music to American foods. Our team got to make friendships with many of the students which led to going out for coffee with our new friends and trying crazy foods like balut (google it at your own risk). Vietnam was marked by growth for my whole team which was beautiful and yet so hard at the same time.


A place the Lord changed my heart for the people. At the start of the race I was least excited about Cambodia and now it’s the place I hope to visit again! This has to have been one of my favourite countries on the race and it’s hard to put into words. No day ever looked the same. Some days were spent doing kids ministry and others cleaning the church. The sunrises and sunsets were one of the thing that remained consistent here, there’s nothing like them. Something else special about this place was my team’s ministry hosts, they are some of my favourite people ever and it was an honour to get to do life and ministry with them.


Soaking in every moment with the squad after being apart for all of Asia. Every night there were probably 20 pairs of people having dinner together which was so sweet. The fellowship was something that defines the squads time in Swazi. For ministry we got to love on kids and share Bible stories and songs at carepoints. It was so special to get to love on these sweet kids but so hard to see their constant reaction of violence because they knew no better.

Swazi was also the place I got to see my parents for the first time in 7 months and what a special week. I loved getting to invite my parents into my race community. There was something so neat about my two worlds colliding.


A country I would have taken for granted if I didn’t learn to love a slow pace and simplicity. A month spent with 14 girls living in the mountains enjoying each other and sharing the gospel in the villages. There is something so special about getting to verbally share the gospel everyday with people who don’t know the name of Jesus or haven’t chosen to have a relationship with him. Jesus wants an intimate and personal relationship with each of his children! Our teams were intentional about becoming a true family and cooked meals together, had weekly worship, and shared things the Father had been teaching each one of us. Lesotho was a place I spent a lot of time reading which I surprisingly enjoyed. Top books I read included The Heavenly Man, Forgotten God, and The Meaning of Marriage. Life was simple, we fetched water from a local well, walked everywhere we went, and baked bread and cookies. I can’t talk about this place without mentioning the beauty of the mountains and the sweetness of the rainbows!! Lesotho was one of my favourites and was the best way to end the race!

I experienced the Lord’s goodness in each of these places and I know that this is not where it ends. I have tasted and seen that he is good!

The race was such a special season of life and I couldn’t be more grateful for the memories that were made and the freedom the Lord has walked me into. What a blessing to be surrounded by brothers and sisters who are passionately and boldly pursing the Lord! People who push me closer to the Lord and who also long for every nation, tribe, and tongue to know the name of Jesus!! I love you gap W!!

It’s weird being back in a place so familiar again. A place where I speak the same language and my phone works without going to a coffee shop. Somewhere that I am not living with my 50 besties but instead I have a whole room to myself. Being in a place where I can get water out of the sink without question and have a choice from 30 different cereal brands. None of these things are bad they’re just different. It’s been a transition already full of ups and downs but the Lord has taught me this year that he remains consistent even when my environments don’t.

This is such a small glimpse into this year and I have so much more I would love to share so feel free to reach out!!

One response to “Goodbye.”

  1. I loved your recap of the race and how the Lord moved in you and W squad! It was so sweet to watch you and the team grow in the Lord throughout the race! Stay in touch